What we
have done so far
(hover over an image for a brief description)

The first part of any competition is the drivers meeting. Where the drivers form each team get important information on the day's competition.

The robot is in place for our first match at the NMRC Championship!

Strategizing with our alliance members for the best outcome of our next match.

our divers controlling our robot with the pre planed strategy discussed by our alliance in mind.

First step in our Competition at Babbitt is introduction and rules for the event.

Getting the robot ready for our first match of the day.


Delivering a cone to our alliance's grid in autonomous. Will it land on the node?

Our New Team for a New Season.

Working together to salvage parts for this years robot

mocking up our shooter and intake for our crescendo robot.

Drilling the bearing holes into the frame of our shooter.

Our volunteer teaching our team how to grind with a steady guiding hand.

Our First event for our new season and new team. The Northern Minnesota Robotics Conference Championship in Alexandria, Minnesota.

The first step in all competitions is getting inspected by the safety and regulation judge. we have started the season!!

Two of our team members help our robot down from the Top rung after a successful Transversal climb of our alliance's habitat!

Our crew for the 2023 season. Looking forward to the next challenge and getting to know our new members!

Figuring out our robot and its capabilities for 2023 season CHARGED UP.

Using Team Work to drill the bearing holes for one of the post of our forklift style elevator for the main component.

The two main post of our forklift style elevator are goin into place. They are the beginning of our grabber for this years game pieces.

Using Adobe Illustrator to create our pneumatic powered grabber for both cones and cubes in Charged UP.

After many hardworking hours, we make it to our Week Zero scrimmage in Bemidji, MN. Looking forward to what is to come!

Our team was given the opportunity to do a display in our school's commons display case. SO HERE IS 6453 in review, Steamworks, LEVEL UP, Destination Deep Space, Infinite Recharge, And now RAPID REACT.

A New Season Starts with our team at the Northern Robotics Conference Competition in Upsala MN. A proven Bot, a proven Team, and Proven Teammates. what a way to start!

GOOO TEAM! with our matches starting and anticipation running high, our team starts it off right with a good old GO TEAM on 3.

The view from our Drive Teams Station. From here our Driver's control and navigate our robot to Success on the field!

The Buzzer Sounds and the End Game Starts. Maneuver to position, Hook Lift and Hope for a climb, or even a level, activated switch!

With a New season, New challenges and a New Robot, comes New Bumpers!! 6453 rolls on to its Next Victory!!

After Weeks of work and Dedication we have reached WEEK ZERO at Nevis, MN. The precursor and practice to the GREAT NORTHERN REGINOAL!

Climber + Frame + Mother Board + Ball Retrieval Mechanism = VICTORY 6453!! This represents the hard work, dedication, and creativity of our team, coaches and mentors.

Our Team Mates work hard and are good problem solvers. But with out the help and support of the mentors/volunteers within our community this year's bot would not be possible. Thank you to all who have helped!
2020-2021 COVID-19 Challenge year

What our Drive team saw through the eyes of our robot and how they control our creations past, present, and future.

our start to a new year is a step back to our greatest accomplishment as a team! 23 out of 63 teams at Lake Superior Regional Duluth, MN

The view of one of our 2020-21 season obstacle DRONE kits we are assembling. To attempt to fly a gravity defying obstacle corse.

With the complications of the Covid-19 epidemic, Our team has decided to channel our skills into a new and unknown field.

With the new opportunity to compete in the NMRC conference Meet In April, Our team is working hard on improving our robot and being there for each other.

As with all new additions to our robot we continuously test fit, refine and test again until we get the new addition to top performance and perfection.

from Ideation to Creation we build, tweak, adjust and build again to construct and improve our robot.

Our volunteers are a HUGE asset to our team! The help us plan, build, problem solve and understand the robot.

We do our Level Best to keep our bog bot running like a top in peak performance. Replacing a belt or filing a rough spot we felt.
2019-2020 Infinite Recharge

6453's robot is rising from paper, into another dimension, REALITY...

Testing our intake mechanism.

Second Generation of coders learning from the first.

Learning how to weld aluminum for the first time. Practice makes it perfect.

Building together to build it better.

Many hands make light work. Team work is the best work

A MONTH AND A HALF OF WORK, down to this. Prepping the bot for our first meet in Nevis, MN.

After hard work, Dedication and team work, our robot is a REALITY!

over looking this years Infinite Recharge felid from the drivers station. Nevis 2020.
2018-2019 Destination DEeP SPACE

6453 thats You and Me! Our Teams ID.

New Team members get involved in building Barry Bot

Teaching Teammates how to join aluminum with FIRE & HEAT

Our Bot Barry nearing completion before Week Zero Meet at Nevis, Minnesota.

Unloading and heading towards our week zero matches.

Figuring out whats wrong before our next match.

ready to show what we can do and what we have done.

Cued to enter the field on one more match at Week Zero in Nevis. Getting the needed practice before regionals in Duluth.

Our team at FRC Great Lakes Regionals in Duluth, Minnesota
2018 -19 school reveal
(click enlarge for a better view)
2o17-2018 POWER UP

6453 Thats who we are can't you see! :)

Keeping our robot within the parameters for POWER UP!

OFF the paper into Aluminum. Constructing our frame.

Our Team at Grand Forks for FRC GREAT NORTHERN Regional.

our coding crew problem solve between matches in Grand Forks.

Working together to get our bot back on the field.

Skill, Strategy, and fast reflexes Equals Victory.

Partnering with other teams towards a common goal.

Working together to be better